Bubble Boy
Before I forget, I must recall and write down what could possibly the most hilarious moment in Washington DC. It was the day after the wedding, and the Lacsons gathered us all for one more meal before we all headed our separate ways. We had just finished our meal and were walking in the mall on the way to the hotel when Ritchie spotted something and immediately thought of me. It was a vending machine containing the biggest pieces of bubble gum we had ever seen (appropriately called 'Mouthfuls'). Before I knew it, 3 quarters were gathered up and, much to my dismay, a big, round, pink piece of gum was dispensed and placed in the palm of my hand.

Now that's one big piece of bubble gum!

How in the world am i going to put this in my mouth???
Why was I the one put up to this task? Rewind approximately 10 years, when the PAC was still in high school. For some reason or another, I had the uncanny ability of putting almost anything in my mouth. GDU (garbage disposal unit) was what they called me, and I took it as a compliment. It started with simple food dares. If anyone could not finish what they were eating, they would pass it on to me and I would finish it up. Then came the kuchay pie dare... I dared everyone to stuff a kuchay pie (zobel people will know what I mean) with as much chili as they could... and I would eat it without drinking anything until the whole kuchay pie was finished. Of course, I did it! Probably the most famous (and grossest) memory was when I actually took a small plastic cup and fit it into my mouth! I didn't swallow it, of course. I just wanted to prove that it could be done.
Fast forward to today, and that is probably the reason Ritchie just HAD to see if I could conquer the huge bubble gum. And how could I resist a challenge?

Here I go!
It was difficult to get it into my mouth, and even harder to break its sugar shell. I had to suppress my gag reflex and use all the muscles in my jaw. It took several minutes but I did it! During this time, the PAC were laughing and cheering me on. I can still hear their chants of 'Chew! Chew! Chew!' outside the Pentagon City Mall.
Disclaimer: I'm not normally like this! Don't judge me by this one video alone!

Ahhh... the fruit of my labor! After almost an hour of chewing, I finally chewed out all of the sugar and was able to blow a huge bubble!
They don't call me the GDU for nothing!
Life is Beautiful!
baby bear -- you are truly Hari Ng GDU. nakakatakot :D
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