Thank You
As I leave Atlanta later today, I must mention the following people...
Chad, who kept me company in Atlanta. He drove me crazy when he was around, but I would have been even crazier if he wasn't.
My officemates, who always make me feel appreciated whenever I am around.
Marc & Libay, who we watched Formula 1, who helped me move my stuff into storage, and who we went karting with.
Art and his family, who have kept my things safe and sound for the past 2 years.
Ritchie and Lee, who invited me to their wedding and made me one of the groomsmen.
Arvin & Claire, Syd, and Loi, who (along with the newlyweds) made the trip to Washington DC so incredibly worth it.
Tito Peter and Tita Jennifer, who let me stay in their house and let me use their car in Washington.
And to the others who aren't mentioned but who I met in Atlanta and Washington (you know who you guys and gals are)...
I have been rejuvenated by your company and have been reminded of the reasons of why we live, learn, and love.
La Vita e Bella!
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