Stone Mountain

Welcome to Stone Mountain Park!

Stone Mountain... probably Atlanta's most prominent natural landmark. It is exactly what its called... a mountain made of one solid piece of stone (granite, I think) 825 feet high. Its surrounded by forests and lakes, and is a place to go camping during the summer. There are two ways to the top of the mountain... by foot and by cablecar. Cablecar is easier but more expensive, and you probably have a better view as you go up (I haven't used the cablecar yet so I wouldn't know). However, I have walked up and down the mountain, and I think thats a better way to experience the mountain. Chad and I didn't go up.

Here is a closeup of the carving. Those 3 men are Confederate President Jefferson Davis, General Robert E. Lee and Lt. General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson. Heroes of the confederation, though I do not know enough american history to know what each of them did. The carving may not look large in the pictures, but it is quite huge up close. It's supposed to be larger than a (american) football field. There is an impressive laser show in the summer, which 'traces' the carving, among other things.

For perspective, theres the cable car in relation to the carving. Take note, the cable car can hold approximately 20 or more people, so its a pretty large cable car in itself.

That's me in a 'reflective' pose.
I wish we did go up the mountain because the view is spectacular, especially on a clear day such as the day we went. Chad and I didn't want to spend money to pay for the cablecar ride, and the queue was horrendous. It's defintely worth going to if you are in the Atlanta area.
Next stop on the tour... the Georgia Aquarium!
La Vita e Bella!
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