Transformers at the Starlight Six
How do you watch new movies when you have a newborn? Go to the Drive-In of course!
I thought Caroline and could only watch new movies through our new Netflix membership. After all, with baby Lucas around, the local multiplex is off limits for a few years. But we really wanted to watch Transformers. At first, we thought of letting "Ninong" Chad (visiting from Toronto) be a babysitter for one night, but that wouldn't be fair to him; he hasn't seen Transformers either. And besides, Chad is terrified of being left alone with Lucas! So, we all wanted to watch it together, even with Lucas. The Drive-In cinema was the solution... we could all be in the car watching the movie!
So, a few days ago after work, we went to the Starlight Six Drive-In. Caroline and I already watched a movie here (Spiderman3) so we already experienced it. It was Chad's first time though, and he was skeptical. He wasn't so sure about the picture and sound quality. But once he saw the size of the screen and realized that the sound is as good as your car audio system, he was impressed. It's a good "date" experience, and I am sure he will look for his local Drive-In in Toronto!
And what of the movie? Generally, I liked it. Of course, there were a few things a Transformers cartoon fan would scoff at (Bumblebee a Camaro? He should always be a Volkswagen Beetle, hence his name!). I liked the banter between autobots and decepticons... that seemed pretty authentic ("Starscream, you have failed me yet again!"). The action sequences were great, although sometimes you really couldn't tell what was happening. Just the thought of two huge robots fighting it out on city streets helped the experience, I guess. And of course, the ending left things open for a part 2... which I am looking forward to!
The only bad thing about Starlight Six is that it is very far from where we live... 40 minutes away! I think we will only go back there to watch movies that we really, really want to watch, or if we are in the area. In the meantime, we will make full use of Netflix!
La Vita e Bella!
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