Smiles Go a Long Way

Wherever we go, strangers will often approach us for directions, the time, or to take their picture. But I noticed that this happened more frequently to me whenever I was in the company of others than if I was alone. I often wondered why that was. After much analysis (yes, I think too much), I have reached a conclusion.
I now know the real reason. It's because I smile more often when around others!
So now, wherever I am, even if I am alone, I make the effort to smile. Not some psychotic smile like the Joker... just a subtle smile, no teeth, just enough to make both ends of the lips point upward. It does make a difference!
The picture taken above was during one of my walks around London. There happened to be a St. Patricks day celebration in Trafalgar square, so a lot of Irish were milling about. I was taking pictures of the celebrations when I felt a tap on my shoulder. A group of irish lasses wanted me to take their picture. Imagine that! It could have been the smile on my face, or the fact that I was using a professional looking digital SLR camera. In any case, I took their picture, and we went our separate ways into the crowd. That's the first time its ever happened to me, and I really do attribute it to simply smiling.
So, smile! It may be difficult to begin with, but after the first, the rest of them come easily!
La Vita e Bella!
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