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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Uniform Shirt

Note to oneself: Never, ever wear a red shirt when going to Circuit City or Target, lest you be mistaken as an employee! In fact, there seems to be a lot of stores where a red polo shirt is their uniform (to complete the look, be sure to wear khaki chinos).

I teased Chad about this before when we went to Best Buy and he was wearing a shirt in the exact shade of blue as the Best Buy employees. Caroline and I laughed so hard, and Chad couldn't wait until we were out of the store.

To be fair, its not that bad. At worst, someone will come up to you and do a price check on something, and you will have to politely apologize tell that person that you don't work there. They will then just walk away and look for a real store employee, and you'll feel a bit red in the face.

But at best, who knows? That person who needs help looking for digital cameras happens to be a chick, and you can score points by pointing her in the right direction, and even helping her choosing one out for her. You might even end up using that same digital camera in that night in the nightclub, taking pictures of her and her sexy friends. The possibilities are endless!

Ok, enough with the fantasies, haha!

Life is Beautiful!


At 1:17 AM, Blogger windarcher said...

hahahhaha! i knew it. Ga! Come on now don't be shy...

At 5:17 AM, Blogger Vince said...

that wasn't for me, that was for Chad! :P

At 5:06 AM, Blogger windarcher said...

shoooot.. sayang. there goes my fantasy! hahhahahahaa...


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