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Monday, November 27, 2006

On Tacos

Earlier today I decided to temporarily break free from my burger routine by 'thinking outside the bun' and going to Taco Bell.

I ordered 3 tacos and sat down to eat them. As soon as I unwrapped the first one, I realized why I never liked eating tacos in the first place. Don't get me wrong, I love mexican food. Chad knows I love Burritos from Chipotle (his influence). I just can't eat burritos on a regular basis because they are so filling. Tacos on the other hand, are just right; crunchy tortilla with seasoned ground beef, lettuce, tomato, and cheese. Squirt a little hot sauce and they're good to go. However, I don't know why they designed tacos that way. I went through a whole stack of paper napkins during that lunch, trying to wipe my hands and catching the beef and vegetables that inevitably fall out of that curved shell.

Why are tacos so damn hard to eat? It doesn't matter whether you turn the taco on its side or turn your head, its bound to end up a messy experience. What's the proper way of eating a taco?

I'll tell you... Ask any Filipino, and they'll tell you to eat it with a fork and knife! In the Philippines, thats the only way to eat a taco!

La Vita e Bella!


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