I love playing first-person shooters (fps) on the PC. Wolfenstein 3d, Doom, Half-Life... I've gone through most of them. These days, I have been playing Prey.
Based on the Doom 3 engine, Prey features some things not in other first fps's. First is the gravity shift. There is the ability to alter gravity by shooting certain panels on the wall. What once was a wall becomes the ceiling. Shoot another panel and then it becomes the floor. Then there is the wall-walk, sort of a magnetic walkway that enables you to walk also on the walls and ceiling. These things have to be seen to believed, and even the most hardcore gamer might get initial motion sickness adjusting to the movement. Its so disorientating to walk up the wall and onto the ceiling and see the floor above you!
The single-player campaign was a bit of a disappointment. I think the technology wasn't used to its full extent; alot of the levels lacked creativity. Overall, it feels rushed. If they had more time, I'm sure it could have been better. Hopefully an extension pack will correct this.
However, multiplayer (or Multiprey as they call it) shines. The maps (for the most part) are beautifully designed and take full advantage of the portals and gravity effects. Its cool to shoot enemies on the walls and on the ceilings, and it adds a new dimension to multiplayer.
Here are two shots of me on the ceiling, shooting 'down' at an enemy player.

At the top of the leader boards! Yes, thats me, B.Stabber!

Life is Beautiful!
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