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Friday, July 28, 2006

Tastes of Home

One of the advantages of working for a Filipino owned company is that every once in awhile, someone from the Philippines comes over to wherever I am. And whenever that happens, I always prepare a wish list of things that I want from the Philippines. More often than not, that list is populated with nothing but food items. When my boss arrived last week (as part of the business trips), I was delighted as he brought me my bag of goodies.

This is what I received:
- 2 boxes of ensaymada... not just any ensaymada but Mary Grace ensaymada!
- Ladies Choice guava jelly
- several cans of Purefood sisig

I normally request for sisig and ensaymada, but this is the first time I asked for guava jelly. I searched high and low for guava jelly here in England but could not find any. Not in the filipino stores and not on the high street supermarkets. So imagine my delight when I saw that jar of sweet stuff. I immediately got my knife and started spreading.

Sky flakes and guava jelly... a match made in heaven!

What are the things that you crave for?

Life is Beautiful!


At 12:09 AM, Blogger cyberlaundry said...

hehe what a coinky-dink we just recently bought guava jelly :) now in know what to make padala for you if ever! mia loves mary grace ensaymada too, if am not mistaken, her friend from college owns that place!

me? i crave for pan de regla wherever in the world i am--even in the philippines :) but most of the time i'm just dying for frosted mini-wheats and otsumami!

At 5:40 AM, Blogger Vince said...

hmmm... it looks like everyone knows someone who has an ensaymada bakery!


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