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Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Long Way Around

I am beginning to have a reputation for not taking the most direct route to my destination.

I could have flown directly from London to Newark (New Jersey)... but noooo... I had to first fly to Toronto (a 7 hour journey) then drive from there to New Jersey (an 8 hour drive... 9 with rest periods). Oh yeah, that drive was started in the middle of the night... 2:30am to be exact!

Why did I expose myself to unnecessary amounts of travel time? One reason, and a good one at that: Family.

My original destination was just New Jersey. It was the Diamond Anniversary of my Lolo and Lola, and almost the whole Diaz clan was celebrating it. This celebration was planned over a year ago, and Titos and Titas were flying in from as far from the Philippines. There was a wedding and reception, followed by a week at Long Beach Island where the whole family stayed in a rented a beach house. Needless to say, I just had to be there for this rare occasion.

However, I had to fulfill a promise first. I promised my Mom, Dad, and Brother that if I had the opportunity, I would fly to Toronto instead of flying directly to New Jersey. I did this for two reasons... the first was so that I could accompany Chad during the drive to New Jersey and back, and the second was so that I could spend some time with my immediate family in Toronto.

And what can I say? I don't regret it. I was able to bond with Chad during the road trip, we were able to go wherever we wanted to because we had our own car, and I was able to enjoy the company of my Mom and Dad.

I really I do go out of my way (literally!) for family!

Life is a Long Winding Road... and boy is it Beautiful!


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