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Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Yesterday I realized how reliant I am on technology.

When I first moved to my new flat, the first thing I assembled was my bed (at the end of the day, I want to make sure I have a nice, warm place to sleep). The second thing I set up was my television to make sure that I was able to receive channels through the buildings antenna system. I could not make it work as I did not have the proper cables required. Damn!

With no tv signal, my thoughts turned to the internet. My new flat does not have telephone and broadband yet, so I tried sniffing for unsecured wireless networks. As my luck would have it, there were several wi-fi networks but alas, they were all password protected. Shucks!

Which is one of the reasons why I am tolerating camping out in my old flat for the time being. The things I'll do for an internet connection! That is not the only reason for me being here of course (I do have to make a few phone calls, clean the flat, and meet the landlord, among other things) but it is a blessing to be able to connect to the world wide web in an otherwise empty flat.

I find this self-realization strange because I always thought of myself as someone who wasn't addicted to the tv or internet. I always felt that I could survive without them.

Apparently not.

I can survive without one or the other... but if you take away both, I will feel like I have been stripped of my freedom (this empty flat does feel like a prison cell sometimes). It's an exaggeration of course, but it just goes to show how much I have taken these things for granted.

Good thing I have my workout clothes... when in doubt, exercise!

Life is Beautiful!


At 9:41 PM, Blogger cyberlaundry said...

woohoo! congratulations on your new flat! send pictures soon!

...hahaha when we moved the 2nd time, i sat on the floor in the old unit, surrounded by dirt and icky guck under furniture, just to watch my favorite shows. hehe :)

just got back from cebu, let's cyberchika when you're all settled in na. hug


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