Athens and The Acropolis
Yes, I went to Athens over the Easter break! I originally planned to go somewhere closer to England, such as Lisbon, Barcelona, or Rome, but when I saw the prices, I was turned off. Everything was expensive, no doubt due to the long Easter holiday. I was about to put off dreams of going somewhere for the weekend when I tried looking at trips to Athens. They were very reasonable (I could stay longer for the same price), and after a few hours of decision making, I booked the trip. I later found out that Easter is actually low season in Greece which is strange as April is one of the best times to go.
Where else would I go first but to the most significant and recognizable landmark in all of Athens?

The Acropolis... smack dab in the centre of Athens, its hard to miss wherever you are in the city. Its a symbol of Greece's vibrant culture and history and has served many purposes during the height of Greece's power. From a fort to a place to display Greek riches to the historical site it is today, its just as breathtaking as I'm sure it was almost 2000 years ago.

The Parthenon... the main monument in the Acropolis.

That's me standing in front of the East side of the Parthenon. As you can see, restoration is taking place.
It was a perfect day to visit as there was not a cloud in the sky. The weather was just perfect for the short hike up the mountain, and the cool breeze at the top was refreshing. It was nice to just sit down on the rocks, marvel at the structure and its ruins, and see Athens sprawl outward from it.
I actually went up the Acropolis twice... early morning during the first day, and then again the next day, one hour before closing time. Both are good times to go (the middle of the day is the worst because thats but I recommend going near closing time. That way the tourists thin out instead of grow in numbers, and you can get better pictures because of the setting sun.
The tour of Athens continues tomorrow...
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