Inspiration is Infectious... and I Will Spread It

I live life with no regrets. I just learn from each adversity and take the lessons that I have been given. I've done the crimes, I've done my time. But I wouldn't go back and change a thing; I would go through each of my pains and joys again without hesitation, for we wouldn't know what true happiness is unless we go through hardship. The highs and lows go hand in hand; the trick is remembering that there are more highs than lows, and to focus less on the low points. I used to be a pessimist, but being around other pessimists has turned me into an optimist... or a realist to be more exact. Hope for the best but expect the worst!
Those who do not know me would think that I play it safe; yet to my closest friends, I am the biggest risk taker on the planet! As long as I believe my intentions are pure, then it is always worth the risk! Life is a journey, and I will enjoy it to its fullest, even if I stumble and fall along the way (and I have stumbled many times, and fallen very hard).
I will go the extra mile for friends and family; I will be there for them as they have been for me.
My strength lies in my values, my faith in God, the belief that Love Conquers All, and the fact that I do not waver from these core values, no matter how bleak the situation is or no matter what temptations come.
The picture and the paragraphs are lifted from my Friendster profile (credit goes to my brother who took my picture).
I used to be really bitter about Friendster (the reasons of which will not be mentioned here). But then I thought, what better way to turn my own life around by writing my own creed, my principles and beliefs for everyone to see. And so I wrote, and the result is what you have read above.
The best part was when I got a message from an old friend telling me that she was really inspired by my profile. She liked it so much that she used it in her own blog.
If I can inspire one, then I can inspire more... as long as I live my life according to my creed, then I know I'm living it right.
La Vita e Bella!
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